With its simple design, Roboto makes a strong case for itself. It’s simple, clean, and easy to understand. Since its design, Roboto has been one of the most popular typefaces globally. Roboto is also a neo-grotesque typeface that includes thin, light, regular, medium, bold, and black weights. The font is slim in style and, with an extensive font family, contains 28 styles. The structure has a geometric form with a mechanical skeleton. He created this typeface at Google for use with his design firm’s family of fonts called “Humanist.” Roboto includes an extensive character set in Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese scripts. The font designer, Christian Robertson, is very close to nature and his family, so he came up with an excellent idea for the font. It also has a broad character set that includes many international scripts. Roboto is the default typeface on Android OS and has been since Android 4.0 in 2010. The Roboto font family is an open-source sans-serif typeface designed by Christian Robertson in 2010 that is intended to look professional and is freely available. Bold Fonts, Christian Robertson, Download Free, famous typeface, Free Font, free fonts, Google font, Grotesque, Headings, Humanist, Lettering, lettering font, light, medium, Oblique, Paragraph, Roboto, Sans, Super Family, thin